How to Select the Best Washing Machine for Your Home

Author: Stax Online  Date Posted:30 October 2023 

Make the perfect choice for your home with our ultimate washing machine buying guide from Stax Online. Read here to learn more and contact us!

Washing machines are an essential home appliance that makes our lives easier, simplifying the laundry process and giving us more time to focus on other aspects of our daily routine. With a plethora of washing machines on the market, selecting the right one for your home can seem overwhelming, but our comprehensive guide aims to help you understand the crucial factors to consider and streamline your decision-making process.

At Stax Online, we pride ourselves on offering customers quality big-brand appliances sourced directly from suppliers in Australia and backed with full manufacturer warranties, all at competitive prices. Our goal is to educate and inform our customers to make more informed decisions when purchasing appliances for their homes. In this washing machine buying guide, we will cover the various types of washing machines, how to select the right size, the importance of energy efficiency, and a look at essential features to consider for the best fit for your laundry routine.

Join us as we delve deeper into the world of washing machines, uncovering the most critical information required to confidently choose the ideal appliance for your home, ensuring a perfect addition to your laundry room. Let's embark on this journey to finding the washing machine that suits your unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle!

Types of Washing Machines: Which One Suits You Best

Top-Load Washing Machines

Top-load washing machines, as their name suggests, are loaded with laundry from the top. They are a common choice in Australian households due to their easy access and lower upfront cost as compared to front-loaders. They are available in two subtypes:

Agitator Washers: Featuring a central post that moves the clothes through the water, these machines typically have a faster wash cycle but can be rougher on delicate fabrics.

Impeller Washers: Instead of an agitator, they use a low-profile disc to move the clothes. These machines have a larger capacity and are gentler on fabrics but might have longer wash cycles.

Front-Load Washing Machines

Front-load washing machines load laundry from the front and use a tumbling action to clean clothes, making them gentler on fabrics. Known for being more energy and water-efficient than top-loaders, they may have a higher initial cost but offer long-term savings. Keep in mind that front-loaders require more bending over, which could be a concern for some users.

Washing Machine Sizes and Capacities: Finding the Perfect Fit

Measure Your Laundry Space

Before purchasing a washing machine, be sure to measure the space available in your laundry room, considering not just width and height but also depth. Remember to factor in allowances for hoses, vents, and door swing clearances.

Consider Your Laundry Needs

Washing machine capacity is generally measured in kilograms, which refers to the approximate weight of dry clothes the machine can handle per load. Smaller households of 1-2 people may require a washing machine with a capacity of around 5-6kg, whereas larger families of 4 or more may benefit from a larger capacity of 8kg or more.

Energy Efficiency: An Eco-Friendly, Cost-Saving Choice

Star Ratings: Measuring Energy and Water Efficiency

Two essential factors to consider when selecting a washing machine are energy and water efficiency. Energy Rating labels display a rating in stars—the more stars, the more energy-efficient the appliance. Similarly, the Water Rating label indicates the amount of water used per wash cycle—the more stars, the less water the machine consumes. Choosing an eco-friendly washing machine may involve a higher upfront cost, but it can result in long-term savings on energy and water bills, making it a worthy investment.

Key Features to Enhance Your Laundry Experience

Built-in Heaters

Some washing machines come with built-in heaters that can heat water to higher temperatures, offering improved cleaning for heavily stained clothes. If dealing with stubborn stains is a regular requirement, consider selecting a model with this feature.

Delay Start Functions

Washing machines with delay start functions allow you to program the machine to begin a load at a specific time, such as when you're away at work or when electricity rates are lower. This feature provides additional convenience and flexibility.

Advanced Washing Programs

A variety of washing programs cater to different fabric types and cleaning requirements. Consider choosing a washing machine equipped with a comprehensive range of programs, including delicate, quick wash, heavy-duty, and hand-wash settings to provide optimal care for your clothes.

Noise Reduction and Vibration Control

A quiet washing machine can be a valuable asset, especially if your laundry shares a wall with living spaces. Opt for a model designed for noise reduction and vibration control, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily life.

Smart Washing Machines

Smart washing machines are equipped with Wi-Fi capabilities and smartphone integration, allowing you to control and monitor your washing machine remotely. This technology can add convenience, providing real-time updates and even troubleshooting assistance should a problem arise.


Selecting the ideal washing machine for your home is a crucial decision that impacts your daily life and the longevity of your clothes. By understanding the various types of washing machines, the importance of size and capacity, energy efficiency, and essential features, you can feel confident in your choice and reap the benefits of a high-quality, efficient appliance that makes laundry a breeze.

At Stax Online, we take pride in supporting our customers throughout their decision-making process, offering a diverse range of home appliances online to suit various needs and preferences. Explore our selection of leading washing machine brands, all sourced from Australian suppliers with full manufacturer warranties. Choose the perfect washing machine and elevate your laundry experience today!

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