Washing Machine Buying Guide: Choosing the Perfect Appliance for Your Laundry Needs

Date Posted:8 October 2023 

Explore our comprehensive washing machine buying guide at Stax Online, assisting you in understanding the differences between washing machine types and more!

A washing machine is an indispensable appliance in every household, playing a pivotal role in keeping your clothes clean, fresh, and well-maintained. Selecting the perfect washing machine involves understanding the different types available, as well as their unique features and advantages, while considering factors such as capacity, energy efficiency, and innovative features. Our washing machine buying guide aims to provide valuable insights that will help you navigate through the various types of washing machines, including top-loading and front-loading models. Additionally, we will explore critical factors to consider when choosing the ideal washing machine to meet your specific needs and preferences.

At Stax Online, we are dedicated to offering quality big brand appliances at competitive prices. All our products are sourced directly from suppliers in Australia and come with full manufacturer warranties. We strive to provide our customers with educational, informative, and helpful content, guiding them in selecting the most suitable appliances for their homes. With this washing machine guide, you can gain a better understanding of different types of washing machines, essential factors, and innovative features that you should consider when choosing the perfect appliance. Trust Stax Online to help you find the ideal washing machine that complements your home's design, meets your laundry requirements, and enhances your overall living experience.

Types of Washing Machines: Unravelling the Differences

When selecting the ideal washing machine for your home, it's essential to understand the different types available, designed to cater to various needs and preferences.

Top-Loading Washing Machines

Top-loading washing machines feature a top-mounted door for loading laundry. These models tend to have lower initial costs, faster wash cycles, and are generally easier to load, as they do not require bending. However, they may consume more water and energy compared to their front-loading counterparts.

Front-Loading Washing Machines

Front-loading washing machines have a front-mounted door for loading laundry and usually offer better energy and water efficiency than top-loaders. They are known for their gentle washing action and often have higher spin speeds for better extraction, resulting in reduced drying time. However, they may have longer wash cycles and higher initial costs.

Capacity: Sizing Up Your Laundry Needs

Determining the suitable capacity for your washing machine is crucial to ensure it can cater to your household's laundry needs effectively.

Measure Your Laundry Space

Before purchasing a washing machine, measure the height, width, and depth of the designated space in your laundry room. Keep in mind that additional clearance may be required for door opening, airflow, and hose connections.

Choose the Right Capacity

Washing machine capacities are measured in kilograms and indicate the maximum weight of dry garments that can be washed in a single cycle. As a general guide:

- Small households (1-2 people) require a 5-7 kg capacity washing machine.
- Medium households (3-4 people) require a 7-8.5 kg capacity washing machine.
- Large households (5 or more people) require an 8.5-12 kg capacity washing machine.

Energy Efficiency: Saving Money and the Environment

Considering the energy efficiency of your washing machine is essential for long-term savings on electricity bills and reducing your environmental footprint.

Energy Rating Labels

In Australia, washing machines come with energy rating labels, displaying the appliance's efficiency levels. The labels present a star rating, with a higher number of stars indicating better efficiency and lower annual running costs. When selecting a washing machine, examine the energy rating label to choose an eco-friendly model.

Water Rating Labels

Washing machines in Australia also carry water rating labels, indicating their water consumption during a standard cycle. Like the energy rating, the water rating uses a star system, with more stars representing better water efficiency. Selecting a washing machine with a higher water star rating helps conserve water and reduce your overall water consumption.

Innovative Features: Getting More From Your Washing Machine

Modern washing machines are equipped with various innovative features and functionalities designed to enhance washing performance, convenience, and efficiency.

Delay Start Function

A delay start function enables you to program your washing machine to start at a later time, providing greater convenience and allowing you to take advantage of off-peak electricity rates, if available.

Variable Spin Speeds

Washing machines with variable spin speeds offer increased flexibility, permitting you to choose the best spin speed for your laundry load. Lower spin speeds are gentle on delicate fabrics, while higher spin speeds extract more water from the load, reducing drying time.

Customisable Wash Programs

Advanced washing machines often come with an array of customisable wash programs tailored to specific fabric types, load sizes, and soil levels. These settings ensure your clothes receive the ideal wash treatment while conserving energy and water.

Smart Connectivity

Smart washing machines feature Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to control and monitor your appliance remotely using a smartphone app. These models offer added convenience and customisation, enabling you to adjust settings, receive alerts, and keep track of running cycles.


Selecting the perfect washing machine involves understanding the differences between various types, considering capacity requirements, and exploring energy and water efficiency, as well as innovative features. By acquiring a comprehensive understanding of these aspects, you can make an informed decision to choose a washing machine that best meets your specific needs and preferences.

At Stax Online, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality, big brand appliances at competitive prices, with all our products sourced directly from suppliers in Australia and covered by full manufacturer warranties. If you want to do some online shopping for a washing machine, allow Stax Online to assist you in finding the perfect unit to complement your laundry room's design, meet your laundry needs, and enhance your everyday home life.

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