Air Purifiers – The Ultimate Guide to Breathe Easy at Home

Date Posted:20 August 2023 

Indoor air pollution is an often-overlooked aspect of our daily lives that can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. As we spend more time indoors, it's essential to be aware of the air quality within our homes and take necessary measures to create a healthier living environment.

One of the most effective ways to improve indoor air quality is through the use of an air purifier, a specialised appliance designed to filter and clean the air within a designated space. At Stax Online, we are committed to providing high-quality, big-brand appliances at competitive prices, and our selection of air purifiers is no exception.

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn about the importance of air purifiers, how they work, the different types available, and how to select the perfect model for your specific needs.

Air purifiers offer a wide range of health benefits and can play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy home environment. They effectively reduce pollutants such as pollen, mould, pet dander, and smoke, all of which can aggravate asthma, allergies, and other respiratory issues.

Additionally, these appliances can help protect against airborne viruses and bacteria, potentially reducing the risk of illnesses and promoting a cleaner living space.

Understanding how air purifiers work is essential in determining the right appliance for your home. These devices use various types of filters to capture and remove contaminants from the air before circulating clean air back into the room.

Some models utilise HEPA filters, which are highly effective in trapping microscopic particles, while others incorporate activated carbon filters to eliminate odours, smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To ensure optimal air quality improvement, it's important to choose an air purifier with the appropriate type and size of filter to suit your specific needs.

The market is flooded with diverse air purifier models and technologies, making the selection process a bit overwhelming for consumers. In this ultimate guide, we will delve deeper into the world of air purifiers, exploring different types and features available, as well as offering tips on how to make the best-informed decisions when shopping for a new appliance.

Follow along as we guide you through the process of choosing the perfect air purifier to breathe easy and improve your home's air quality with confidence.

Benefits of Air Purifiers: Why You Need One in Your Home

Improved Respiratory Health

Air purifiers help remove airborne allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander, leading to a significant reduction in allergy and asthma symptoms. Cleaner air can reduce the risk of respiratory infections and improve overall lung health.

Odour Elimination

Odours from cooking, pets, or cigarette smoke can linger in your home, creating an unpleasant environment. Air purifiers with activated carbon filters effectively remove these odours, leaving your living space smelling fresh and clean.

Reduced Risk of Illness

Airborne viruses and bacteria can spread quickly throughout your household, increasing the risk of illness. Air purifiers with HEPA filters or UV-C light technology effectively neutralise these pathogens, promoting a healthier home environment.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

Allergens and other air pollutants can disrupt your sleep by irritating your nasal passages, causing congestion or triggering an allergic reaction. Investing in an air purifier can result in improved sleep quality by mitigating these factors and promoting optimal breathing conditions.

How Air Purifiers Work: Understanding the Mechanism

HEPA Filters

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are capable of capturing 99.97% of particles measuring 0.3 microns or larger. They are excellent at removing common allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander from the air, significantly improving air quality.

Activated Carbon Filters

These filters consist of a porous form of carbon designed to effectively absorb odours, chemicals, and volatile organic compounds. Activated carbon filters are particularly useful for eliminating smoke and other unpleasant smells in your home.

UV-C Light Technology

UV-C light technology utilises short-wavelength ultraviolet light to neutralise viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. This technology destroys these pathogens' DNA, ensuring they can no longer multiply or cause infection.


Ionisers emit negatively charged ions into the air, causing airborne particles to become charged and clump together, making them easier to capture and remove via the air purifier's filtration system.

Types of Air Purifiers: Choosing the Right Technology

Mechanical Filters (HEPA)

HEPA filters are a popular choice for those seeking an air purifier with excellent filtration capabilities. They are commonly found in models from top brands such as Dyson, Philips, and Blueair. Be sure to select a genuine HEPA filter, as not all 'HEPA-style' or 'HEPA-type' filters offer the same level of performance.

Activated Carbon Filters

If you're looking to eliminate odours, chemical fumes, or other gaseous impurities, an air purifier with activated carbon filters is your best bet. Brands like Fellowes, Winix, and InovaAir offer appliances with this technology for optimal odour control and air purification.

UV-C Technology

An air purifier equipped with UV-C technology, such as those offered by GermGuardian and Honeywell, is an excellent option if you are seeking to minimise the presence of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in your home.


Ionic air purifiers, like those from popular brands such as Ionmax and Sharp, use ionising technology to cleanse the air of allergens, pollutants, and biological contaminants effectively. However, be mindful that some ionisers can produce ozone, which may exacerbate respiratory issues in sensitive individuals.

Important Factors to Consider When Purchasing an Air Purifier

Room Size

Consider the size of the room in which you plan to install the air purifier, as this will determine the required device's capacity. Larger rooms will require a model with a higher air exchange rate, ensuring efficient filtration and circulation of clean air.

Maintenance Requirements

Air purifiers may require regular filter changes or cleaning to maintain optimal performance. It's essential to factor in the cost and availability of replacement filters when choosing a model, along with the ease of maintenance.

Noise Level

Some air purifiers can produce a significant amount of noise when operating at full capacity. Consider the appliance's noise level in decibels (dB), especially if you plan to use it in a bedroom or living space where quiet operation is desirable.

Energy Efficiency

Efficient energy consumption is another crucial factor in selecting the right air purifier. Look for models that consume minimal energy but still provide excellent performance, as this will result in cost savings and reduced environmental impact.


Air purifiers play an increasingly essential role in maintaining a healthy and comfortable home environment, ensuring the air you breathe is clean and free of allergens, pollutants, and harmful particles. By understanding the different types, technologies, and factors to consider when selecting an air purifier, you can make an informed decision and invest confidently in an appliance that meets your specific requirements.

At Stax Online, we offer an extensive range of high-quality air purifiers from trusted big brands, all sourced directly from Australian suppliers and accompanied by full manufacturer warranties. Browse our diverse collection today to find the perfect air purifier and breathe easy, knowing you've made the right choice for your home and family. Browse our selections and shop today at one of the leading appliance stores in Sydney

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